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第3部分(第1/6 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 到底是不是三国上古卷轴:龙裔记事本【五夏】挚友是你们小情侣的借口老公丧尽天良,夫郎疯癫入场救命!宿主又被主神拐跑了!斩神:CP林七夜?可我是男妹妹救世群英传之大有可为全职之枪王荣耀进化游戏Zero超高校学府破碎时空之玛法大陆从搭上NBA末班车开始无限白帝我的召唤师生涯为何这般LOL:大司马首徒,治愈全世界如懿传如意欢心我的世界:无限纪元三世沉沦之倾世半妖有钱人可能是看上我了成神从地缚灵开始


Absent…minded Professor

There were three professors at the railway station。 They were deep in conversation。 The train had just arrived; but they did not notice it。 Then the guard shouted; “Take your seats; please!”

The professors heard the guard and rushed for the train。 Two of them got on the train before it moved。 The third one was left behind。 It was Professor Egghead。 He looked worried。

One of the professor’s students was at the station。 He tried to fort the professor。 “It wasn’t really bad; sir;” said the student。 “Two out of three caught the train。 That’s quite good; you know。” “I know;” the professor said。 “But it was my train。 My friends only came to say goodbye。”


花样年华 第三章(1)



当一位七十多岁的老妇人站在跳板的顶端时,船上所有的工作人员都吓呆了。 跳板太窄,根本没有搀扶老人的空间。因此,老妇人只好慢慢地侧着身子往下走,最终当她安全抵达码头后,大家悬着的心才放了下来。下来后,老妇人转过身,冲着跳板的另一端喊道:“没事的,妈妈,您现在可以下来了。”

You Can e Down

The cruise ship my friend was working on socked at a Mexican port during a very high tide。 Everyone on board was forced to use the ship’s narrow gangplank as a passageway to the dock far below。

The staff stood motionless when a passenger in her 70’s appeared at the top of the plank。 There wasn’t room for anyone to assist her; so she edged along slowly and finally made it to the dock safely; to everyone’s relief。 As she stepped down; she turned; looked back at the top of the plank and shouted; “it’s okay; mother; you can e down now。”






The Banker and the Artist

A rich Paris banker begged a well…known artist to do a little t
