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第38部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 禁区之王篮坛之抽风巨星全民堡垒暴击系统恶龙,为了赚钱选择文化胜利问你一声服不服重生之猎神传说梦幻西游之我能看见属性我的世界,就只有我有金手指这个剑修有点稳开局一个奥尼尔重生之我叫科比足坛之我为豪门篮坛第一补丁全世界都在演我怎么办网游七天之叶无忧末日游戏的违规者?对,我就是!文化入侵修真界龙只想水群,不爱待在洪荒木叶教书,然后立于天之上怪猎:这条火龙有特性

“Now; Dent;” continued Mr。 Rochester; “it is your turn。” And as the other party withdrew; he and his band took the vacated seats。 Miss Ingram placed herself at her leader’s right hand; the other diviners filled the chairs on each side of him and her。 I did not now watch the actors; I no longer waited with interest for the curtain to rise; my attention was absorbed by the spectators; my eyes; erewhile fixed on the arch; were now irresistibly attracted to the semicircle of chairs。 What charade Colonel Dent and his party played; what word they chose; hoselves; I no longer remember; but I still see the consultation which followed each scene: I see Mr。 Rochester turn to Miss Ingram; and Miss Ingram to him; I see her incline her head towards him; till the jetty curls almost touch his shoulder and wave against his cheek; I hear their mutual whisperings; I recall their interchanged glances; and something even of the feeling roused by the spectacle returns in memory at this moment。

I have told you; reader; that I had learnt to love Mr。 Rochester: I could not unlove him now; merely because I found that he had ceased to notice me—because I might pass hours in his presence; and he would never once turn his eyes in my direction—because I saw all his attentions appropriated by a great lady; who scorned to touch me with the hem of her robes as she passed; who; if ever her dark and imperious eye fell on me by chance; would withdraw it instantly as from an object too mean to merit observation。 I could not unlove him; because I felt sure he would soon marry this very lady—because I read daily in her a proud security in his intentions respecting her—because I witnessed hourly in him a style of courtship which; if careless and choosing rather to be sought than to seek; was yet; 
