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第4部分(第1/6 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 网游之圣隐魔皇洪荒之剑帝网游之奇迹进球至上足球之巨星培养系统王者:励志登顶国一对抗路!身为冷兵器高手会玩网游很合理吧理综挂科后我被迫屠龙了海洋求生:开局竹竿漂流足球:我从小就是天才网游之我意纵横鬼神游戏龙陨之世中国体育人NBA:啃老的我,队友们都超强地球征服万界幕后神之手我为渔狂最佳搭档:大神,请让我壁咚教练!我不想踢狱超


Two Hunters

Two hunters hire a small plane to take them to a remote area of Canada。 Upon dropping off the hunters; the pilot tells them;“Remember only one moose; because the plane wouldn’t be able to take off with more weight than that。” The hunters go off。

A week later when the plane returns to pick them up; the two hunters are standing by the lake with two moose。 The pilot fumes; “I told you guys only one moose。 and you’ll have to leave one because we won’t be able to take off with that much weight。”“Oh; e on;” beg the two hunters;“Last year the pilot let us take two moose on; you’re just a chicken。”

Not wanting to be accused of being a coward; the pilot allows the two to bring both moose on the craft。 The plane starts across the lake; straining to take off。 The pilot tries and tries to no avail and the plane crashes into the trees at the end of the lake。 A while later after ing to one of the hunters gets up and looks at all the scattered debris of the wreck and says;“Where are we?” To which the other hunter replies; “Oh; I’d say about a hundred yards farther than last year。”








Post Haste

My husband asked me to go to the post office to mail his resume in anticipation of a job interview。 He instructed me to send it the fastest way possible。

Struck by the urgency in his voice; I grabbed a handful of change and dashed out the door。 Arriving at the post office

清雅萝莉 腹黑不好惹杀手十二岁王爷,成亲那是浮云 连载魔翎:超越诛仙的魔幻大作万界神豪直播系统[综英美]养鸟指南我家的笨蛋渣男