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第11部分(第1/5 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 此刻,华夏开启海洋纪元!亚古兽也想当数码皇帝足球:拒绝国足,加入克罗地亚神印:无限简化,从俘获采儿开始无暗纪元:苏醒联盟之从水管工到LPL冠军废土纪元:第四天灾降临楚天河秦晓柔四合院:整治易中海,镇压全院网游:开局沦为祭品,我反手弑神10投必中8,你管这叫中投挂?叶揽希赫司尧网游之时空剑神我大专在读,手搓战争机甲很正常吧?四合院:夫债妻偿,淮茹心态崩了重生我主宰了全球经济陈浩苏雪每日一问,今天他又氪了多少?末世:从囤女神开始多子多福妖小米新书王爷邻家大小姐看上你了林云嫣徐简小说全本免费阅读

愣�露�?梢豢�冢�陀龅搅宋侍猓�逗旄吡弧返挠⑽脑趺捶�耄�矣淘チ似�蹋�纱嘀苯铀担�盰ou know; his best movie is not Hero; but Honggaoliang!”

没想到Erica真知道这部电影,她很兴奋地说:“I saw it; it is very beautiful!”


Erica却认真起来,说:“I discussed his movies with some Chinese students; it is very surprising that most Chinese people seem hate him。 But why; he is a good director。”


“It is just like loving a girl。 For example; you are a beautiful English girl; and many Chinese men hope to marry you。 But I am lucky; and I married you。 So others hate me!”


“Right,you mean; Zhang is internationally famous; so he is envied and hated by other professionals; but why Chinese students dislike him; why Chinese common people don’t like him?”


“Chinese common people; they hate every successful Chinese man because they don’t think the successful elites get what they have through open and fair competition; so they think; only bastards can succeed!”




“You know; the woman in his film; the woman star; she always appeared in Zhang’s films!”我知道自己的外语实在是糟糕透顶了,不过此刻,能说明白就是万幸了。

“You say Gong Li?” Erica连这个也知道,没想到。

“Well; you know it so much! Yes; you know; she was Zhang’ s lover; and she can play an important role in most Zhang’s films。 So Chinese people believe that they both are bad guys!”


“But she is a good actress; I like her; very orient 

警天纬地(完结)作者:犬生 txt下载总裁的委屈情人绝色俏逃妃邪派掌门人[快穿]职业炮灰养成记穿成女alpha后的荒谬生活