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八一 这叫熔炉(第1/3 页)

最新玄幻魔法小说: 系统:开局让我扰乱封神时空之主的传承仙界凡商签到皇陵五十年,我镇压万古仙源途我脚下,是诸天之上神级败家系统我,签到千年,老祖身份被美女徒孙曝光了神都逍遥客我在仙界做神医斗灵源启诸天降临诸天从洪拳开始你惹他干嘛?他背后全是气运之子我的系统跟大道称兄道弟请把我的老公带走穿越仙朝,我徐福炼丹就炸炉都市逍遥强兵人在道门,内卷成神穿越异界二十年,系统认我当爹



Grandma's Feather bed by John denver

when I was a little bitty boy just up off the floor 小时候刚会跑

we used to go down to grandma's house every month end or so 常常去奶奶家玩

we'd have chicken pie, country ham 鸡肉饼,火腿肉

homemade butter on the bread 自制黄油抹面包

but the best darn thing about grandma's house 奶奶家最好玩的

was the great big feather bed 是个大褥子

It was nine feet high and six feet wide 九尺长六尺宽

And soft as a downy chick 柔软舒适

It was made from the feathers of forty 'leven geese 四十多只鹅毛的大褥子

took a whole bolt of cloth for the tick 用了一大卷布

It could hold eight kids and four hound dogs 上面躺着八个孩子四条狗

And a piggy we stole from the shed 外加一头猪

we didn't get much sleep but we had a lot of fun 疯玩半宿不睡觉

on grandma's feather bed 奶奶的大褥子

After supper we'd sit around the fire, the old folks'd spit and chew 围着篝火嚼烟叶

pa would talk about the farm and the war 老爸聊聊牧场事

And granny'd sing a ballad or two 奶奶哼首民歌听

And I'd sit and listen and watch the fire till the cobwebs filled my head 我乖乖的听着了

Next thing I'd know I'd wake up in the morning 早晨醒来

In the middle of the old feather bed 睡在大褥子上

It was nine feet high and six feet wide 九尺长六尺宽

And soft as a downy chick 柔软舒适

It was made from the feathers of forty 'leven geese 四十多只鹅毛的大褥子

took a whole bolt of cloth for the tick 用了一大卷布

It could hold eight kids and four hound dogs 上面躺着八个孩子四条狗

And a piggy we stole from the shed 外加一头猪

we didn't get much sleep but we had a lot of fun 疯玩半宿不睡觉

on grandma's feather bed 奶奶的大褥子

well, I love my ma and I love my pa, I love granny and grandpa too 我爱爸
