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第14部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 禁区之王篮坛之抽风巨星全民堡垒暴击系统恶龙,为了赚钱选择文化胜利问你一声服不服重生之猎神传说梦幻西游之我能看见属性我的世界,就只有我有金手指这个剑修有点稳开局一个奥尼尔重生之我叫科比足坛之我为豪门篮坛第一补丁全世界都在演我怎么办网游七天之叶无忧末日游戏的违规者?对,我就是!文化入侵修真界龙只想水群,不爱待在洪荒木叶教书,然后立于天之上怪猎:这条火龙有特性

g; she lifted her eyes。 What a strange light inspired them! What an extraordinary sensation that ray sent through me! How the new feeling bore me up! It was as if a martyr; a hero; had passed a slave or victim; and imparted strength in the transit。 I mastered the rising hysteria; lifted up my head; and took a firm stand on the stool。 Helen Burns asked some slight question about her work of Miss Smith; was chidden for the triviality of the inquiry; returned to her place; and smiled at me as she again went by。 What a smile! I remember it now; and I know that it was the effluence of fine intellect; of true courage; it lit up her marked lineaments; her thin face; her sunken grey eye; like a reflection from the aspect of an angel。 Yet at that moment Helen Burns wore on her arm “the untidy badge;” scarcely an hour ago I had heard her condemned by Miss Scatcherd to a dinner of bread and water on the morrow because she had blotted an exercise in copying it out。 Such is the imperfect nature of man! such spots are there on the disc of the clearest pla; and eyes like Miss Scatcherd’s can only see those minute defects; and are blind to the full brightness of the orb。

Chapter 8

Ere the half…hour ended; five o’clock struck; school was dismissed; and all were gone into the refectory to tea。 I now ventured to descend: it was deep dusk; I retired into a corner and sat down on the floor。 The spell by which I had been so far supported began to dissolve; reaction took place; and soon; so overwhelming was the grief that seized me; I sank prostrate with my face to the ground。 Now I wept: Helen Burns was not here; nothing sustained me; left to myself I abandoned myself; and my tears watered the boards。 I had meant to be so good; and to do so much at Lowood: to make so many f
