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第4部分(第1/6 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: NBA疯狂控卫的逆袭别问,双A才是真绝色恐怖游戏女主来现实砍我,你跟我说游戏?逆水寒手游:绑定系统后暴富了矮子后卫网游之最强流氓王者荣耀之世界巅峰NPC觉醒后,疯批领主放肆宠!洛青舟秦蒹葭小说宇宙之匙收集球衣,我只是为了继承球技带S级球娘美少女举起世界杯宇宙之匙冲出二进制网游之近战弓箭手NBA新神降临全民修真从完美游戏崛起全球高武我的战力亿点点电竞曙光绝地枪王

ngs such as the mulberry and so on 。it was fun then and a marvelous memory 。we went to school together ; climbing ;fishing ;catching crab。


But I didn’t how to play with others in school; it was my teacher helped me ;introducing me to them and invite them to count me in when ;like “throw up and down the rubble”;the skipping string ;pretend to fight each group with other boys 。it was my teacher who give me numerous childhood fun。



When I was ill; she always looked after me like my mum did in my infant time 。when I came into trouble in study ; she would like to help explain patiently。 till I got to the second in our class。 and she would give every progressed student a large brunch of flower she make it herself。 I showed in front of my partners and got the praise of the most wisdom widow of more than 80 years old。 she knows everything we asked; but now she’s passed away。 I’m grateful to miss wang ;really。


My head teacher in junior high school did the same。 though;she just graduated from teachers’school; young but has a kind of love like mother 。I was then the monitor; but I can’t deal many things in our class 。it was she who gave great help 。not only had she taught me much knowledge and ferry me to best high school; but also and more essential; she set up an example for me to do a kind man ;honest; full of grat
