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第132部分(第1/5 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 法师传奇II这个海洋领主有点强重生之再战魔兽世界网游之神箭修罗全能运动系统联盟之最强选手金钱棒球潘凤温酒斩吕布?你什么阴间武将天龙八部之阮星竹开局我有神技能NBA绝对防洪坝网游之废物传奇NBA之后卫无敌第五分卫星河之第二世界我是滑雪巨星金球铁卫我是泰森王者:我激活了信誉分收割系统万古长生:带女友从小木屋开始



Libra, you‘re not content to just laze around a secluded villa。 You want a vacation destination that is sociable, stimulating and sophisticated。 A sparkling city like Rio, Paris or London is your cup of tea。 After you‘ve finished taking the shops and museums by storm, you‘re likely to head for an old…world hotel where you can relax and unwind in beautiful surroundings。




When you go away on vacation, Scorpio, you rarely leave a forwarding number。 That‘s because you want to truly get away from life‘s daily distractions。 Renting a private beach hut on St。 John might be the ideal getaway for you。 Taking a ghost tour of Salem, Mass。, might appeal to your love of mystery。 If you‘re in the mood for adventure, consider going on an archeological dig in some out…of…the…way place。




The more far flung your vacation destination, the better, Sagittarius。 You‘ve always been captivated by foreign countries。 The prospect of staying in Third World surroundings doesn‘t faze you in the least。 It‘s all part of the adventure。 Going on an extended camping trip is also a good possibility for you。 Consider renting an RV and heading to a majestic spot like Yellowstone Park or the Grand Canyon。




A refuge from civilization might be just what the docto
