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第20部分(第2/6 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 网游之圣隐魔皇洪荒之剑帝网游之奇迹进球至上足球之巨星培养系统王者:励志登顶国一对抗路!身为冷兵器高手会玩网游很合理吧理综挂科后我被迫屠龙了海洋求生:开局竹竿漂流足球:我从小就是天才网游之我意纵横鬼神游戏龙陨之世中国体育人NBA:啃老的我,队友们都超强地球征服万界幕后神之手我为渔狂最佳搭档:大神,请让我壁咚教练!我不想踢狱超

mania; in so much that he would talk very rationally on any subject in the world but a tulip。

He told me; that he valued the bed of flowers which lay before us; and was not above twenty yards in length and two in breadth; more than he would the best hundred acres of land in England; and added; that it would have been worth twice the money it is; if a foolish cook; maid of his had not almost ruined him in the last winter; by mistaking a handful of tulip roots for a heap of onions; and “by that means;” says he; “made me a dish of pottage that cost me above thousand pounds sterling。” He then showed me what he thought the finest of his tulips; which I found received all their value from their rarity; and oddness; and put me in mind of our great fortunes; which are not always the greatest beauties。

I have often looked upon it as a piece of happiness; that I have never fallen into any of these fantastical tastes; nor esteemed anything the more for its being the unmon and hard to be met with。 For this reason I look upon the whole country in springtime as a spacious garden; and make as many visits to a spot of daisies or a bank of violets; as a florist does to his borders or parterres。 There is not a bush in blossom within a mile of me; which I am not acquainted with; nor scarce a daffodil of cowslip that withers away in my neighborhood without my missing it; I walked home in this temper of mind through several fields and meadows wit hand unspeakable pleasure; not without reflecting on the bounty of Providence which has made the most pleasing and most beautiful objects the most ordinary and most mon。


自 然(1)




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