首页 > 游戏竞技 > gossip girl 11 英文 > 第5部分

第5部分(第2/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 管道求生:别人收资源,我收老师网游之商人纵横海洋求生:我有养鱼系统NBA:这个前锋众望所归天灾末世:我的规矩就是规矩我不是球霸网游之三国纵横我在无限杀戮中成神NBA:初入联盟登顶内线第一人末日游戏:从地铁站购买全世界云雾浮岛,这就是我的领地?荒野自建房被合租糙汉1v2高HP系统求生游戏里我成了各玩家的奶妈开局点满头球天赋,梅西吓哭了短跑之路:从高中开始的王者篮坛巨星闪耀网游:从三国征战万朝我上单冠军皮肤选vn关乌兹屁事

ve made Vanessa feel kind of 。 。 。 romantic。 She closed her eyes for

a moment and pictured Dan at home; sprawled out on the lumpy brown leather sofa; writing

poetry in his beat…up notebook。 She knew he?d been having a hard time with the poem for Ruby

and Piotr?s wedding; and the idea of him trying so hard to find the right words for her sister

warmed her chest。

You sure that isn?t the booze?

Maybe when she got home later they could really talk。 She?d tried to be supportive of Dan when

he?d e out; but seeing how unfortable he was at his surprise party; she still had her

doubts 。 。 。 not to mention her hopes about his supposed gayness。 Maybe she?d be able to tell him

how she felt 。 。 。 and try to help him figure out what he was really feeling。

Yes; and just exactly how would she do this?Naked? Vanessa smiled as SugarDaddy took the

stage in a clamor of guitars。 Ruby wore her signature purple leather pants; her black; chin…length

hair sticking out in every direction; like she?d blow…dried it upside down?or electrocuted herself

with her blow…dryer。 She spotted Vanessa and Piotr sitting together and waved。 Then she stuck her

tongue out between her pinky and pointer fingers。 ?What?s happening; fuckers!?? she yelled into

the microphone; and the crowd cheered; wildly。

Vanessa smiled。 Everything was going to be okay。 Her sister was still her sister; her

brother…in…law…to…be was weird and European but also sort of sweet; and she?d talk to Dan tonight。

He?d tell her he was just confused; that he wasn?t gay; and that he?d been in love with her all

along。 And maybe someday; years from now; he?d be the one givingher an antique tea set。

She pointed

