首页 > 游戏竞技 > gossip girl 8 英文 > 第23部分

第23部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 篮坛之锋芒逼人眉山苏氏,苏允最贤超能进化:我的兵种有点贵龙族:路明非的逆反剧本末日游戏的违规者这位中单过于真诚超级重炮爷是术士,才不是绅士我把NPC拐跑后游戏崩了挨打永久加生命,开局即无敌停手吧赛博人,外面全是玩家联盟:人皇出山,让我对线大魔王从EVA开始的穿越之旅NBA带着西蒙斯踏上篮球之巅国乓!让我成为我的荣耀!!我有一本教练书被解约后,我统治了足坛王者荣耀之影子地球联盟守护未来强制游戏

?Okay;? Dan responded dubiously。 It appeared he had no choice in the matter。

Chuck tapped him on the shoulder。 ?So guess what? That dykey girlfriend of yours? I heard

she?s gonna be single again。 Her ?better half? is totally moving out。?

Meaning Vanessa or Aaron? Dan wasn?t even sure any…more who Vanessa was living with。 All

he knew was it wasn?t him。 His perspiration…soaked hands began to shake with a mixture of

confusion and happiness。 Maybe Vanessa had broken up with Aaron。 But they were so in love。

They even had matching haircuts。 He scribbled a series of check marks across the top of the page

he?d been writing on。 Vanessa broke up with Aaron!?

?So I take it you?re accepting the nomination;? Larry persisted; tapping his pencil annoyingly

against his wooden teacher desk。 ?All in favor say; ?Yeah!??

?Dude!?the class of boys responded in unison; perpetuating the not…so…funny tradition that had

started on the first day of senior year。 Dan blanched as they began to whoop and shriek in a

pletely unnecessary display of fake enthusiasm。 ?Go; Dan!?

The minute the bell rang; Dan called Vanessa to tell her how sorry he was。

Yeah; right。

?Talk about misinformation!? Vanessa ranted。 ?Where do people get this shit? So; how are you

anyway?? she asked; sounding kind of glad to hear from him。

?I was just voted senior speaker;? Dan admitted; like he?d been campaigning for it for weeks。

Secretly; he was dying inside that Vanessa and Aaron were still together; but he wasn?t about to let

her know that。

?Senior speaker? What the fuck!? Vanessa responded。 ?Wait; is that a good thing??

?I guess。?

?Look; I have photo lab now; but do yo
