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第30部分(第2/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 禁区之王篮坛之抽风巨星全民堡垒暴击系统恶龙,为了赚钱选择文化胜利问你一声服不服重生之猎神传说梦幻西游之我能看见属性我的世界,就只有我有金手指这个剑修有点稳开局一个奥尼尔重生之我叫科比足坛之我为豪门篮坛第一补丁全世界都在演我怎么办网游七天之叶无忧末日游戏的违规者?对,我就是!文化入侵修真界龙只想水群,不爱待在洪荒木叶教书,然后立于天之上怪猎:这条火龙有特性

been more uniform towards me than at the first。 I never seemed in his way; he did not take fits of chilling hauteur: when he met me unexpectedly; the encounter seemed wele; he had always a word and sometimes a smile for me: when summoned by formal invitation to his presence; I was honoured by a cordiality of reception that made me feel I really possessed the power to amuse him; and that these evening conferences were sought as much for his pleasure as for my benefit。

I; indeed; talked paratively little; but I heard him talk with relish。 It was his nature to be municative; he liked to open to a mind unacquainted with the world glimpses of its scenes and ways (I do not mean its corrupt scenes and wicked ways; but such as derived their interest from the great scale on which they were acted; the strange novelty by which they were characterised); and I had a keen delight in receiving the new ideas he offered; in imagining the new pictures he portrayed; and following him in thought through the new regions he disclosed; never startled or troubled by one noxious allusion。

The ease of his manner freed me from painful restraint: the friendly frankness; as correct as cordial; with which he treated me; drew me to him。 I felt at times as if he were my relation rather than my master: yet he was imperious sometimes still; but I did not mind that; I saw it was his way。 So happy; so gratified did I bee with this new interest added to life; that I ceased to pine after kindred: my thin crescent…destiny seemed to enlarge; the blanks of existence were filled up; my bodily health improved; I gathered flesh and strength。

And was Mr。 Rochester now ugly in my eyes? No; reader: gratitude; and many associations; all pleasurable and genial; made his face the object I best like

