首页 > 游戏竞技 > 富爸爸,穷爸爸(英文版) > 第10部分

第10部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: NBA:我以控卫封神鬼灭:不会呼吸法?我请缘一代打世纪豪门从港岛开始什么?你说我是德拉科马尔福?EXO之故事的恶女我每周一个新系统,你不炸了吗?骑士之光:奥特曼宇宙之旅木筏求生:唯有我万倍返还原神:在提瓦特养老加入了聊天群想做的从来就不是朋友他背叛我以后又后悔了诸天真灵道穿书后漂亮糊咖携手大佬炸恋综对别人的男宠一见钟情死神:究极数值怪模拟器:从帮派喽啰成天下霸主深层隐意识雌虫流落地球,被人类大佬宠了全民领主:文明从小破村落开始总裁的七日恋人

I doubt if anyone can say what really happened to these men。 If you look at the date; 1923; it was just before the 1929 market crash and the Great Depression; which I suspect had a great impact on these men and their lives。 The point is this: Today we live in times of greater and faster change than these men did。 I suspect there will be many booms and busts in the next 25 years that will parallel the ups and downs these men faced。 I am concerned that too many people are focused too much on money and not their greatest wealth; which is their education。 If people are prepared to be flexible; keep an open mind and learn; they will grow richer and richer through the changes。 If they think money will solve problems; I am afraid those people will have a rough ride。 Intelligence solves problems and produces money。 Money without financial intelligence is money soon gone。

Most people fail to realize that in life; it's not how much money you make; it's how much money you keep。 We have all heard stories of lottery winners who are poor; then suddenly rich; then poor again。 They win millions and are soon back to where they started。 Or stories of professional athletes; who; at the age of 24; are earning millions of dollars a year; and are sleeping under a bridge by age 34。 In the paper this morning; as I write this; there is a story of a young basketball player who a year ago had millions。 Today; he claims his friends; attorney and accountant took his money; and now he works at a car wash for minimum wage。

He is only 29。 He was fired from the car wash because he refused to take off his championship ring as he was wiping off the cars; so his story made the newspaper。 He is appealing his termination; claiming hardship and discrimination and that the ring is all he has
