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第9部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 师娘师姐太宠我网游:拾荒少年封神顾总太太把你拉黑了乔若星开局兰花指,武林不外传NBA模拟器!我十冠王朝!末日列车海贼之第一帝国江稚沈律言的小说英雄联盟:别放他小丑!幻月大领主嫁给糙汉猎户后被掐腰猛宠都市之最强狂兵陈六何沈轻舞苏意深粟宝小说免费阅读克苏鲁跑团:我能掌控骰子长生者:我活到了下一个纪元叠叠叠叠叠叠叠叠叠叠叠真伤!绝世萌宝天才娘亲帅炸了超级弃婿楚尘收手吧,阿祖,外面全是玩家!此刻,华夏开启海洋纪元!



All of you; I know; are wondering what Shekure penned in that letter I

presented to Black。 As this was also a curiosity of mine; I learned everything

there was to know。 If you would; then; pretend you’re flipping back through

the pages of the story and let me tell you what occurred before I delivered that


Now; it’s getting on toward evening; I’ve retired to our house in the quaint

little Jeouth of the Golden Horn with my husband

Nesim; two old people huffing and puffing; trying to keep warm by feeding

logs into the stove。 Pay no mind to my calling myself “old。” When I load my

wares—items cheap and precious alike; certain to lure the ladies; rings;

earrings; necklaces and baubles—into the folds of silk handkerchiefs; gloves;

sheets and the colorful shirt cloth sent over in Portuguese ships; when I

shoulder that bundle; Esther’s a ladle and Istanbul’s a kettle; and there’s nary

a street I don’t visit。 There isn’t a word of gossip or letter that I haven’t carried

from one door to the next; and I’ve played matchmaker to half the maidens of

Istanbul; but I didn’t begin this recital to brag。 As I was saying; we were taking

our ease in the evening; and “rap; rap” someone was at the door。 I went and

opened it to discover Hayriye; that idiot slave girl; standing before me。 She

held a letter in her hand。 I couldn’t tell whether it was from the cold or from

excitement; but she was trembling as she explained Shekure’s wishes。

At first; I assumed this letter was to be taken to Hasan; that’s why I was so

astonished。 You know about p
