首页 > 游戏竞技 > my name is red-我的名字叫红 > 第16部分

第16部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 师娘师姐太宠我网游:拾荒少年封神顾总太太把你拉黑了乔若星开局兰花指,武林不外传NBA模拟器!我十冠王朝!末日列车海贼之第一帝国江稚沈律言的小说英雄联盟:别放他小丑!幻月大领主嫁给糙汉猎户后被掐腰猛宠都市之最强狂兵陈六何沈轻舞苏意深粟宝小说免费阅读克苏鲁跑团:我能掌控骰子长生者:我活到了下一个纪元叠叠叠叠叠叠叠叠叠叠叠真伤!绝世萌宝天才娘亲帅炸了超级弃婿楚尘收手吧,阿祖,外面全是玩家!此刻,华夏开启海洋纪元!

the master miniaturist—nothing but imperfections; were deeply disturbed by

them。 In the paintings; which the Khan observed at length; he felt that his

former bliss had been disrupted in numerous ways; and he grew increasingly

jealous of his Tatar beauty who was depicted with the individual touch of the

painter。 So; with the intention of making his pretty Tatar jealous; he made love

with another concubine。 His beloved was so bereft upon learning of this

betrayal from the harem gossips that she silently hanged herself from a cedar

tree in the harem courtyard。 The Khan; understanding the mistake he’d made

and realizing that the miniaturist’s own fascination with style lay behind this

terrible incident; immediately blinded this master artist whom the Devil had




Once upon a time in a country in the East there was an elderly Sultan; a lover

of illustrations; illuminations and miniatures; who lived happily with his

Chinese wife of unsurpassed beauty。 Alas; it soon happened that the Sultan’s

handsome son from a previous marriage and the Sultan’s young wife had

bee enamored of each other。 The son; who lived in terror of his treachery

against his father; and ashamed of his forbidden love; sequestered himself in

the bookmaker’s workshop and gave himself over to painting。 Since he painted

out of the sorrow and strength of his love; each of his paintings was so

magnificent that admirers couldn’t distinguish them from the work of the old

masters。 The Sultan took great pride in his son; and his young Chinese wife

would say; “Yes; magnifice
