首页 > 游戏竞技 > my name is red-我的名字叫红 > 第52部分

第52部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 英雄无敌之妖皇出世QQ飞车之车神传说网游:道士最弱?菜就多练!【足球】我在中超练小妖联盟之最强财阀上单篮坛劲爆锋卫轻尘不用刀迷雾求生:开局一人一狗一把斧管道求生:别人收资源,我收老师网游之商人纵横海洋求生:我有养鱼系统NBA:这个前锋众望所归天灾末世:我的规矩就是规矩我不是球霸网游之三国纵横我在无限杀戮中成神NBA:初入联盟登顶内线第一人末日游戏:从地铁站购买全世界云雾浮岛,这就是我的领地?荒野自建房

“Yes they will!” I said。 “None of the children in that city have a mother or a

father。 Hayriye; go downstairs and check the doors again。 We’ll probably be

asleep by the middle of the story。”

“I won’t fall asleep;” said Orhan。

“Where is Black going to sleep tonight?” said Shevket。

“In the workshop;” I said。 “Snuggle up tight to your mother so we can

warm up nicely under the quilt。 Whose icy little feet are these?”

“Mine;” said Shevket。 “Where will Hayriye sleep?”

I’d begun telling the story; and as always; Orhan fell asleep first; after

which I lowered my voice。

“After I fall asleep; you’re not going to leave the bed; right; Mama?” said


“No; I won’t leave。”

I really didn’t intend to leave。 After Shevket fell asleep; I was musing about

how pleasurable it was to fall asleep cuddled up with my sons on the night of

my second wedding—with my handsome; intelligent and desirous husband in

the next room。 I’d dozed off with such thoughts; but my sleep was fitful。 Later;

this is what I remembered about that strange restless realm between dreaming

and wakefulness: First I settled accounts with my deceased father’s angry

spirit; then I fled the specter of that disgraceful murderer who wanted to send

me off to be with my father。 As he pursued me; the unyielding murderer; even

more terrifying than my father’s spirit; began making a clattering ruckus。 In

my dream; he tossed stones at our house。 They struck the windows and landed

on the roof。 Later; he tossed a rock at the door; at one point even trying to

force it open。 Next; when this evil 
