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第57部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 英雄无敌之妖皇出世QQ飞车之车神传说网游:道士最弱?菜就多练!【足球】我在中超练小妖联盟之最强财阀上单篮坛劲爆锋卫轻尘不用刀迷雾求生:开局一人一狗一把斧管道求生:别人收资源,我收老师网游之商人纵横海洋求生:我有养鱼系统NBA:这个前锋众望所归天灾末世:我的规矩就是规矩我不是球霸网游之三国纵横我在无限杀戮中成神NBA:初入联盟登顶内线第一人末日游戏:从地铁站购买全世界云雾浮岛,这就是我的领地?荒野自建房

As claimed by Abu ?mer bin Abdülber; the interpretation of this legend

doesn’t mean that the soul will possess a bird or even bee a bird itself; but

as the learned El Jevziyye aptly clarifies; it means that the soul can be found

where birds gather。 The spot from which I was observing things; what the

Veian masters who love perspective would call my “point of view;”

confirmed El Jevziyye’s interpretation。

From where I was; for example; I could both see the threadlike funeral

procession entering the cemetery; and with the pleasure of analyzing a

painting; watch a sailboat gaining speed; its sails gorging on wind as it tacked

toward Palace Point; where the Golden Horn met the Bosphorus。 Looking

down from the height of a minaret; the whole world resembled a magnificent

book whose pages I was examining one by one。

Still; I could see much more than a man who’d simply ascended to such

heights without his soul having left his body; and furthermore; I could see it

all at once: On the other side of the Bosphorus; beyond üsküdar; among

gravestones in an empty yard; children playing leapfrog; the graceful

progression of the Vizier of Diplomatic Affair’s ca?que propelled by seven pairs

of oarsmen twelve years and seven months ago; when we acpanied the

Veian ambassador from his seaside mansion to be received by the Grand

Vizier; Bald Ragip Pasha; a portly woman in the new Langa bazaar holding a

huge head of cabbage like a child she was about to nurse; my elation when the

Divan Herald Ramazan Effendi
