首页 > 游戏竞技 > my name is red-我的名字叫红 > 第61部分

第61部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 英雄无敌之妖皇出世QQ飞车之车神传说网游:道士最弱?菜就多练!【足球】我在中超练小妖联盟之最强财阀上单篮坛劲爆锋卫轻尘不用刀迷雾求生:开局一人一狗一把斧管道求生:别人收资源,我收老师网游之商人纵横海洋求生:我有养鱼系统NBA:这个前锋众望所归天灾末世:我的规矩就是规矩我不是球霸网游之三国纵横我在无限杀戮中成神NBA:初入联盟登顶内线第一人末日游戏:从地铁站购买全世界云雾浮岛,这就是我的领地?荒野自建房

moment。 I felt no pain; I was simply terrified。

Just as I decided from the silver coin in my pocket that they weren’t going

to kill me; they suddenly released me。 They removed the viselike contraption

that had actually done little damage to my head。 The executioner who’d

pinned me down stood up without even a hint of apology。 I donned my shirt

and vest。

There passed a very long silence。

At the other end of the room; I saw Head Illuminator Osman Effendi。 I

went to him and kissed his hand。

“Don’t be concerned; my child;” he said to me。 “They were just testing



I knew at once that I’d found a new father to replace Enishte; may he rest

in peace。

“Our Sultan has ordered that you not be tortured at this time;” said the

mander。 “He deemed it appropriate for you to help Head Illuminator

Master Osman find the rogue who’s been killing His miniaturists and the loyal

servants preparing His manuscripts。 You have three days in which to

interrogate the miniaturists; scrutinize the illuminated pages they’ve made

and find the sly culprit。 The Sovereign is quite appalled by the rumors being

spread by mischief makers about His miniaturists and illuminated

manuscripts。 Both the Head Treasurer Haz?m Agha and I will help you find this

scoundrel; as the Sultan has decreed。 One of you has been very close to Enishte

Effendi; and has thus heard his recitations and knows about the miniaturists

who visited him at night and the story behind the book。 The other is a great

master who takes pride in knowing all the miniaturis
