首页 > 游戏竞技 > my name is red-我的名字叫红 > 第85部分

第85部分(第3/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 英雄无敌之妖皇出世QQ飞车之车神传说网游:道士最弱?菜就多练!【足球】我在中超练小妖联盟之最强财阀上单篮坛劲爆锋卫轻尘不用刀迷雾求生:开局一人一狗一把斧管道求生:别人收资源,我收老师网游之商人纵横海洋求生:我有养鱼系统NBA:这个前锋众望所归天灾末世:我的规矩就是规矩我不是球霸网游之三国纵横我在无限杀戮中成神NBA:初入联盟登顶内线第一人末日游戏:从地铁站购买全世界云雾浮岛,这就是我的领地?荒野自建房

ading the note; said; “Tell Black Effendi I can’t take the responsibility of

handing over my daughter…in…law without my son being present。”

“Which son?” I said for the sake of being shrewish; but softly。

“Hasan;” he said。 Since he was a man of etiquette; he blushed。 “My oldest

son is on his way back from Persia; there are witnesses。”

“Where’s Hasan?” I asked。 I ate two spoonfuls of the soup Shekure had

offered me。

“He went to gather the clerks; porters and other men of the Customs

Office;” he said in the childish manner of decent yet dull men who cannot lie。

“After what the Erzurumis did yesterday; the Janissaries are certain to be on

the streets tonight。”

“We didn’t see anything of the sort;” I said as I walked toward the door。 “Is

this all you have to say?”

I asked this question of the father…in…law to intimidate him; but Shekure

knew full well that I was really addressing her。 Was her head truly this

befuddled or was she hiding something; for example; was she awaiting the

return of Hasan and his men? Oddly; I sensed that I liked her indecisiveness。

“We don’t want Black;” Shevket said confidently。 “And make this your last

visit; fat lady。”

“But then who’ll bring around the lace tablecloths; the handkerchiefs

embroidered with flowers and birds that your pretty mother likes; and your

favorite red shirt cloth?” I said; leaving my bundle in the middle of the room。

“Until I return; you can open it up and take a look; try on; alter and sew

whatever you like。”

I was saddened as I left。 I’d never seen Shek

