首页 > 游戏竞技 > the hunger games-饥饿游戏(英文版) > 第2部分

第2部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 发球上网反派被觉醒意识的主角盯上后假装是个boss超级无敌竞技系统让哥成为传奇我的未婚妻是主播那小子是冠军游戏穿越:我登的管理员账号联盟:我,野区发明家!网游武侠:我以长枪镇压万世!LCK的中国外援开局融合巅峰库里,哥求你了她是领主公路求生之大玩家霍格沃茨:我能看到你的名字华夏魔术师:全NBA都想断我球全班穿越,我有医药系统带赢祖国公路求生:我能听到提示全民领主:从吸血鬼开始无限爆兵亡者系统网游无限属性

asking for more? With both of us hunting daily; there are still nights when game has to be swapped for lard or shoelaces or wool; still nights when we go to bed with our stomachs growling。

¨I never want to have kids;〃 I say。

¨I might。 If I didnˇt live here;〃 says Gale。

¨But you do;〃 I say; irritated。

¨Forget it;〃 he snaps back。

The conversation feels all wrong。 Leave? How could I leave Prim; who is the only person in the world Iˇm certain I love? And Gale is devoted to his family。 We canˇt leave; so why bother talking about it? And even if we did 。 。 。 even if we did 。 。 。 where did this stuff about having kids e from? Thereˇs never been anything romantic between Gale and me。 When we met; I was a skinny twelve…year…old; and although he was only two years older; he already looked like a man。 It took a long time for us to even bee friends; to stop haggling over every trade and begin helping each other out。

Besides; if he wants kids; Gale wonˇt have any trouble finding a wife。 Heˇs good…looking; heˇs strong enough to handle the work in the mines; and he can hunt。 You can tell by the way the girls whisper about him when he walks by in school that they want him。 It makes me jealous but not for the reason people would think。 Good hunting partners are hard to find。

¨What do you want to do?〃 I ask。 We can hunt; fish; or gather。

¨Letˇs fish at the lake。 We can leave our poles and gather in the woods。 Get something nice for tonight;〃 he says。

Tonight。 After the reaping; everyone is supposed to celebrate。 And a lot of people do; out of relief that their children have been spared for another year。 But at least two families will pull their shutters; lock their doors; and try to figure out how they will survive the pa

爸爸的漂亮宝贝终极强者 作者:流连往返医流狂兵穿成反派亲哥哥狐助复仇公主闯校园玉生香