第303部分(第2/4 页)
译文在表达思想方面起到与原文相同的作用,而不是原文与译文之间字栉句比的机械性转换。在《论语》译序中,他就明确指出他的翻译目的是“让普通英语读者能看懂这本给了中国人智力和道德风貌的中文小册子”,因此他努力“使孔子及其弟子的谈话方式,就像有教养的英国人在表达与这些中国俊杰同样的思想时一样。”在《中庸》译序中,他进一步阐明他的翻译观点:“彻底掌握其中之意义,不仅译出原作的文字,还要再现原作的风格。”辜鸿铭在具体的翻译工作中,确实努力实践着这一翻译宗旨。例如: 1.《论语?学而第1》中子贡与孔子的一段对话。子贡曰:“贫而无谄,富而无骄,何如?”子曰:“可也。未若贫而乐道,富而好礼者也。”辜鸿铭译为:“A disciple of Confucius said to him;' To be poor and yet not to be servile; to be rich and yet not to be proud; what do you say to that?'' It is good; 'replied Confucius; 'but better still it is to be poor and yet contented; to be rich and yet know how to be courteous。'” 句中“谄”字译得尤为精彩,servile 远比flatter 更能表情达意。而且整个译句简洁明了,既符合英语的表达习惯,又与原句语体风格相互呼应。2.《论语?子罕第9》中记载颜回赞叹孔子之道高且深的那段话:“仰之弥高, 钻之弥坚。瞻之在前,忽焉在后。夫子循循善诱人,博我以文,约我以礼,欲罢不能。”辜将之译为:“The more I have looked up to it the higher it appears。 The more I tried to penetrate into it the more impenetrable it seems to be。 When I have thought I have laid hold of it here; lo! it is there。 But the Master knows admirably how to lead people on step by step。 He has enlarged my mind with an extensive knowledge of the arts; while guiding and correcting my judgment and taste。 Thus I could not stop in my progress; even if I would。” 辜氏的这段译文很好地保持了原文言简意赅的特点。“仰之弥高,钻之弥坚。瞻之在前,忽焉在后”译成“The more I have looked up to it the higher it appears。 The more I tried to penetrate into it the more impenetrable it seems to be” ; 对仗工整,用词洗练到位。“When I have thought I have laid hold of it here; lo! it is there” 一句则将颜回慨叹孔子之道高深不可捉摸的语气栩栩如声地传递出来,让人如闻其声,如见其人。辜氏将“欲罢不能”译成“Thus I could not stop in my progress; even if I would”; 充分挖掘了原文的内涵和神韵并将之生动地再现出来。辜氏再现原作风格的努力还体现在以诗译诗,即把《论语》、《中庸》等中出现的诗歌片段同样用诗歌的形式表现出来。由于辜氏精通中英文,所以译得颇为成功。如《论语?微子篇第18》中楚狂接舆之歌:“凤兮凤兮!何德之衰?往者不可谏,来者尤可追。已而,已而!今之从政者殆而!”辜氏是这样译的:
“ O Phoenix bird! O Phoenix bird;
Where is the glory of your prime?
The past; t